Saturday, December 14, 2019

American Health Information Management Association Free Essays

The mission statement or purpose of the American Health Information Management Association, (AHIMA) pertains to â€Å"leading the advancement and ethical use of quality health information to promote health and wellness worldwide; and leads the health informatics and information management community to advance professional practice and standards† (the American Health Information Management Association, 2010). This is a fabulous professional association to belong to for anyone who works in healthcare, but its focus primarily adheres to those individuals in health care management and medical coding and data safety. AHIMA is a worldwide professional association of recognized leaders in health information management, informatics, heath data technology, innovation, and proactively endorses the technological advancements of health information systems that enhance the delivery of quality healthcare. We will write a custom essay sample on American Health Information Management Association or any similar topic only for you Order Now Centering on AHIMA’s Code of Ethics and applicable law, AHIMA endorses the ethical and appropriate use of health information; and its members will ascribe to and conduct themselves in accordance with the Code of Ethics as part of their professional responsibility (the American Health Information Management Association, 2010).The Code of Ethics that AHIMA requires and adheres to contains six areas, each standing for a certain pertinent rules and regulations for its members. The first concern is called preamble provides and produces the ethical obligation of AHIMA members and credentialed professionals who are not members. Values are the second which pertains to the standards of AHIMA’s mission statement. The third is the purpose for existence of the AHIMA and Code of Ethics. The fourth includes how, why and when the code should be used. The fifth outlines the principle outline of the eleven ethical principles which serve as a guide to members and non members.The sixth the interpreting of the code guidelines regarding HIM (The American Health Information Management Association, 2010). AHIMA recognizes that superior quality health care and clinical data are critical resources needed for effective healthcare, and works to assure that the health information used in care, research, and health management is valid, accurate, complete, trustworthy, and timely. This group is concerned about the effective management of health information from all sources and its application in all forms of healthcare and wellness preservation.Health issues, disease, and care quality also transcend across national borders. AHIMA’s professional interest is in the application of best health information management practices when and wherever they are needed. (The American Health Information Management Association, 2010). AHIMA includes set values that this association adheres to and benefiting members’ their diversity, continuing education, leadership development, and professional credentialing. They adhere to their high standards in their code of ethics.AHIMA performs continual research in order to advance innovative and ethical health informatics and information management and collaborate with other professional organizations confirming the public’s privacy information is accurate and confidential. The procurement and use of electronic health records and other automated technologies protection based on HIM practices and standards are withheld. They also offer employers access to online systems so they can stay abreast to new findings and information through KLAS online which provides health information technologies or HIT (the American Health Information Management Association, 2010).Being a member in AHIMA will give the individual many benefits for their career whether the member is new to the health care job market or changing positions in the health care industry. The connections for job seekers and employers are substantial. AHIMA contains a program called Career Assist; which is a repository for available positions in the medical coding. A category called career coaching is also available for AHIMA members.The career coach plays the role as a catalyst and a partner, providing support in the job search and provides its members toward their professional success and fulfillment. Career coaches are trained in all areas of career development, transition, and can help identify the member’s personal work ethic values, interests, personal preferences, abilities, accomplishments, and work style. Contained in the career coaching service is resume development and organization research. Career coaches are trained to listen, respond, and develop strategies that fit each individual jobseeker’s needs.Our coaches have helped thousands of people secure their first job, advance in their field, transition to a new career, start a business, and plan for retirement (the American Health Information Management Association, 2010). Joining and participating through being an active participant is exceptional for both the potential health care employee and the health care employer. Everyone how joins this affiliation will benefit through knowledge, connections, networking and new ideas and information.References American Health Information Management Association. (2010). AHIMA. Retrieved November 15, 2010. from http://www. ahima. org How to cite American Health Information Management Association, Papers

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